
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Halloween Post: Exoskeletree

I wrote most of this piece while camping at Jay Cooke State Park. It's channeling a bit of Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King, so the themes are a little more mature than usual. 


Why Jenny why dad shouts across the China I’m just trying to eat to let it go but no no no a scratch the car it's just too far he slaps his wife she grabs a knife.

Eyes low just let it go just four more years of screaming quiet tears of dreaming of a life without this stuff money's great but it's too late for cash to save us I'll behave just four more years just four more tears just four more put it down now put it down it's just a Bentley it costs a cent he charges for her slams the door her screaming muted he turns to me.

My room's too easy imagine barging in to see the scrawny kid who should have hid so down go down into to basement to the place meant for forgetting past the cellar down to the well or maybe deeper with the creepers in the cold search for gold long abandoned find the dead end boy and hide.

The spider tickles on my hand her body dancing from the sand a proper lady killing ants here in the dark it's hard to see but I'm not worried she knows me I love it here away from light away from fear.

The house is quiet let out a sigh it's good to see you creepy crawlies on the wall he's out but I'll be back near every night they have a fight so I'll be here against the stone cold and alone but for you creepers silent keepers of this sanctuary scratching sliding where he cannot help but let me be.

This anger’s stronger than before it’s hard to see now what’s in store he found the letter that'll get her on the run it might be done she found a lawyer boy her blood must be thick his third wife won't get rich so run get out so dodge the couch and out the door third wife no more.

It's just us dad I feel you can't you trust I'm on your side just wait and listen I know she's not like Mom just let her go and let's move on too angry too much wine fury's target now it's mine he raised hand and stumbles stand and fight no not tonight down the hall toward creepy crawlies close behind a breath is all he's missing grabs for me but keeps on missing down the stairs and in the dark he follows.

Stumble trip and tumble in the dark it keeps him humble this place is mine now hear that rumble door closing darkness oozing through the cracks this is my black you best turn back.

He keeps coming without fear he brought a light this time he's near keeping running deeper down away from sound of scratching father getting farther in the backness of the blackness of my lair spider tickles on my hair she's on its ends knows my fear and tries to lend something here to stop the tears but then she leaves where's she going sound is growing.

But then he screams the selfish tyrant flashlight gleams and then falls silent. Spider returns across the sand and perches happy upon my hand.

Is he sleeping is he dying hold my breath listen for death but silence seeping through the blackness he’s not creeping on his back just sack meat and bones relax just check his pulse and then get out.

Spider crawls up on my shoulder so I lift a hand to hold her crawling forward toward my fear but it’s ok ‘cause spider’s here reach out into the sand did he fall here it’s where he landed ground is empty wet and cold did he get up while in fold of venom seeping cold inside him no that can’t have been it he was here for just a minute I heard him call I heard him fall then a scratch against the wall.

Eyes open try to see what’s on the stones in beside of me no father’s bones what could it be a tiny wing begins to flutter lean in get closer but her spider’s finger on my chest tells me it’s best to let it rest just go up and we’ll move on it’s OK your father’s gone.

No I need to know what’s going on what did you do where has he gone brush her off onto the ground to skitter off without a sound reach out a finger hear him crawl onto my hand from off the wall held to the light so I can see my tiny dad in front of me.

His human body’s been transformed a shiny thorax now has formed his balding head has sprouted horns his scrawny legs outstretched like thorns but it’s him I know it’s him I’ll show it’s him look right there can’t you tell it’s got his ears and nose and chin as well.

But my fury’s burning rightly close my hand to hold him tightly fear was mine descending nightly I can end this now I’ll squish him stomp him smash him into nothing worthless trash I shout out crushing tiny body down it slides out of my hand into a dive I raise my leg one final step.

Stop and waiting should I kill him rage abating pick him up inside debating this ends my cares take him upstairs box him up keep him up and we’ll make up we’ll make amends and we’ll be friends.

There’s a nibble on my thigh a tiny bite what was that I am shrinking flailing sinking why my limbs collapse the floor is rising eyes inside capsizing father slips my grip is writhing spider's bite inside re-scribing mandibles this animal is changing.

She walks up close I recognize the truth exposed for compound eyes my mother chose she didn't die.

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